Construction management is a demanding position; it requires focus, a strong will, and a healthy work ethic. There is a lot more that goes into construction management than simple supervision. Here are the four essentials of construction management;
Time is one of, if not, the most important and essential part of construction management. Time is used in construction management from the very beginning – that is the planning phase, where you estimate when certain things will be done, and at what point the construction will end.
Whatever it is that you are managing the construction of, you need to be able to manage not only yours but everybody’s time, so that phases and goals can be achieved at appropriate points.
The inability to manage time or get tasks finished by deadlines usually results in having to use more resources than previously estimated, pushing off the deadline, derailment of the construction, or even total and complete failure of the entire project. Everything regarding construction depends on time and as it is so critical to the success of construction it should be taken so – as a vital part of the project.
Money matters around construction management are generally centered on a budget and creating a detailed and precise budget is crucial to ensure that you do not run out of money before the completion of the project.
When creating a budget for construction, the first thing to do is make a list of everything you need in terms of material. This may take longer than a day or a week but ensure that you have listed everything. The next part of the list should include manpower and extras and once the list is complete, a comprehensive listing of prices should follow – there are many budget guides online to assist.
You should create margins for your budget, that is, a minimum and maximum of the amount of money you expect to use. While managing a construction, the allocation, and record-keeping of the project’s money is essential to ensure that there is no misuse or loss of money.
Construction management in many ways involves quality checks and control. The overall quality of a building depends on two main factors; the quality of the material and the quality of expertise and staff.
The quality of the materials used in construction is critical to the end and future results of the building. The last thing anyone wants is for cracks to appear months after construction or for the building to collapse. When managing a construction, checking the quality of materials is upon you and a simple way to do so is to only acquire goods from trusted and reputable sources.
The second factor of quality in construction management is expertise and manpower. Getting qualified people to advise you on materials and techniques to use in the construction is necessary as, without them, the project is at risk of failing. Experts can range from surveyors to geologists.
Due to the presence of machines, dust, stones, cement, and all types of variables, construction sites are extremely dangerous places for everyone. Construction management means that the safety and well-being of every single person working at the site are on the manager.
To prevent injury, future health complications, or death, the construction manager is responsible for putting into effect safety measures. This includes everything from the correct use of helmets, masks, gloves, and protective gear to ensuring that there are adequate exits, water hoses, fire extinguishers, and emergency services within reach.
Proper safety measures will safeguard against the possible loss of property and lives in the unfortunate event of a disaster – natural or not.
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Constructive Solutions, Inc. is a full-service commercial construction company serving San Francisco and Bay Area.
Whatever your vision, we have the resources, experience, and insight to make your concept a reality, and a space where your business can flourish.
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I like that you state that safety is one of the most important things at a construction site. My brother is the foreman for an independent team of construction workers, and he wants to ensure their safety. Being busy leading the team, he wants to hire out this aspect of his job, so I have been looking of what kind of site service that would be.
Yes – never underestimate the safety aspect of construction. With this industry returning very disturbing death numbers every year, I believe that OSHA needs to tighten up some of the standards.