The California Building Standards Commission

Accessibility and Commercial Renovations: How to Ensure Compliance with the California Building Code

The building code for California is called the California Building Standards Code, which is the Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). The California Building Standards Commission is authorize to maintain, and oversee the processes that are related to the building codes of California by the California Building Standards Law.

2 general contractors shaking hands at construction site in bay area san francisco

How to Hire Subcontractors for Your Construction Project?

Construction projects take a lot of time and expertise, sometimes exceeding the capacity of a single commercial general contractor. This is when engaging multiple subcontractors for specific tasks becomes necessary. In this blog, we will explore the various types of subcontractors and their specializations, the hiring process, and the top pre-qualification criteria. Additionally, we will discuss the key elements to include in a subcontractor contract.